15 December 2017


Happy,是一位独立的背包旅客;Elina,则是一位经验丰富的旅团领队。只要跟随着他们的脚步,你也可以是“旅游玩家”! ... More episodes »

December 15, 2017

6 October 2017


宠物是人类最好的的陪伴,而我们也是它最好的依靠!但是… 它们的内心世界,你都摸透了吗?就让主持人小游和洋葱头,带你探索“宠物新世界”吧! ... More episodes »

October 06, 2017

8 September 2017


你以为肉眼看到的就是事实的全部吗?那就错了!就让小鲜肉Darren不定期地邀请红人嘉宾一起来分享他们的种种心酸事… 揭开网络世界不为人知的一面! ... More episodes »

September 08, 2017

1 April 2017


三个女人聚在一起, 不讲秘密会生病! 来听听谭育怜, 陈裴乐, 张翘婷讨论女人家的日常话题、相互爆秘! 开心的不开心的都要讲一讲! ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017

+60相声 – 马来西亚相声系列

相声,一种源自中国,发展至香港、台湾、新马一带的曲艺表演艺术。 苏维胜先生是马来西亚相声之父姚新光先生的徒弟,中国相声大师马季的第三代传人,从事相声活动二十余年,是本地相声界活跃的相声演员与相声作家。 ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017


两个好朋友:电影狂徒 司徒漂鸿以及少爷仔 跟你聊电影,从以前的经典到近期的必看影片,他们将带你进入你所不知道的电影世界。 ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017

Penang 仔 – 阿嘉 & 联理

  Surprise!来自槟城的歌手方炯嘉也会首次以槟城福建话和他的好朋友联理一起在Ais Kacang Podcast 节目里亮相,大谈槟城的美丽人事物,当然还包括槟城人最常用的福建日常用语。 ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017

Yu Laser

Yu Laser bersama Yuyu Aziz mengupas kisah individu dan isu semasa yang menjadi kontroversi dan viral. Soalan-soalan laser dan panas mungkin buat tetamu berpeluh untuk menjawabnya. ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017


Mistik, Entiti, Momok berada di mana-mana. Bila hijab sudah terbuka, jangan berani untuk bercerita. Beranikan diri anda setiap minggu dalam Paranormal bersama Amir dan Syai. ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017

The Balls

The Balls with Sabri Mezan and Faiz on current football news. Hear them battle it out and see who will score the most goals, or should say points? ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017

The Balcony

The Balcony with Gen X Seelan and Gen Y Iman as they debate on what both generations can agree on! Coffee is one thing they CAN agree on, though! ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017

1 April 2017


META Talk is about the abstract of things surrounding us with Jessie and Hannah and feel the energy and forces that are present. Everything that happens is in your hands! ... More episodes »

April 01, 2017